3-4 DECEMBER / Soli /Dusseldorf, Germany, TanzHaus NRW
28-29 NOVEMBER / Twisted Pair / Corfu, Greece, Garage Performing Arts Center
20-21 NOVEMBER / Twisted Pair / Siros, Greece, Akropoditis Dance Center
18-19 NOVEMBER / ApersonA / Luzern, Switzerland, Südpol – Musik Tanz Theater
12-14 NOVEMBER / Eifo Efi / Hamburg, Germany, Kampnagel
3-5 NOVEMBER / workshop / Rome, Italy, RomaEuropa, Festival DNA
6 NOVEMBER / ApersonA / Rome, Italy, RomaEuropa, Festival DNA
31 OCTOBER /ApersonA /Recife, Brazil, Teatro Marco Camarotti, Sesc Santo Amaro, Festival Cena CumpliCidades
27-29 OCTOBER /workshop / Fortaleza, Brazil, SESC, Bienal Internacional de Dança do Ceará
25 OCTOBER / ApersonA /Sobral, Brazil, Estação Teatro São João, Bienal Internacional de Dança do Ceará
24 OCTOBER / ApersonA / Fortaleza, Brazil, Estação Teatro Dragão do Mar, Bienal Internacional de Dança do Ceará
22 OCTOBER /ApersonA / Buenos Aires, Argentina, Teatro ELKAFKA, Festival Cena CumpliCidades
13 OCTOBER / Indonesian Exchange /Antwerp, Belgium, deSingel, Festival Stop in Java
7 OCTOBER / Indonesian Exchange / Frankfurt, Germany, Kunstlerhaus Mousonturm
25-28 SEPTEMBER / Soli / Antwerp, Belgium, deSingel
26 SEPTEMBER / ASINGELINE an enacted thought / Nairobi, Kenya, Goethe Institut
18 SEPTEMBER /One One One / CCS, Paris, France, Festival Extra Ball
17-18 SEPTEMBER /ASINGELINE an enacted thought / Kampala, Ouganda, Goethe Institut
10-11 SEPTEMBER / ASINGELINE an enacted thought / Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Goethe Institut
28-30 SEPTEMBER /ASINGELINE an enacted thought /Frankfurt, Germany, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
24 AUGUST /One One One / (talk by Aoife McAtamney) / Berlin, Germany, DistrickBerlin
21-22 AUGUST / Eifo Efi / Bassano del Grappa, Italy, B. Motion festival
29 JULY / ApersonA / Santorini /Greece, Santorini Art Factory
16-17 JULY/Eifo Efi/ Prague, Czech Republic, Zero point Festival
3 JULY /One One One / Figueres, Spain, Festival Agitart
29-30 MAY /Eifo Efi/ Köln, Germany, Köln schauspielhaus
10 MAY/One One One / Museum of Ethnography, Geneva, Switzerland, Dance Day
9 MAY/One One One / Market place, Vevey, Switzerland, Dance Day
8 MAY/One One One / Théâtre Nuithonie, Fribourg, Switzerland, Dance Day
7 MAY/One One One / Ecole Polytechnique fédérale, Lausanne, Switzerland, Dance Day
4-5 MAY, workshop, Patras, Greece, Municipal theatre
3 MAY/ ApersonA / Patras, Greece, Municipal theatre
29-30 APRIL / ApersonA /Athènes, Greece, Duncan Dance Center
24 APRIL /ApersonA / Antwerp, Belgium, deSingel, FESTIVAL BOUGE B.
11 APRIL /Eifo Efi / Poitiers, France, T.A.P, festival à corps
4 APRIL /Indonesian Exchange / Solo, Indonesia, Studio Plesungan
29-31 MARCH /ASINGELINE an enacted thought/ Haïfa, Israel, The Technion Institute of Technology
19-20 FEBRUARY /Eifo Efi/ Zürich, Switzerland, Swiss Dance Days
5 FEBRUARY-14 MARCH /ASINGELINE an enacted thought / South Africa, Johannesburg, Goethe Institut
2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007