by Mandafounis, Mazliah & Zarhy
Initially created and commissioned by de Singel theater in Antwerp Belgium, ASINGELINE, an enacted thought, opened the season of MAMAZA as associated artists in September 2011. In times where lines, especially red ones, are read as highly charged politically- lines meant to divide and separate, Asingeline is there to connect, almost literally, the public with its art / culture. It is a straight line drawn from one point at the city center all the way to a second point which is a central cultural building: a theater, a museum or other. Drawing a line between the daily urban space and the representative space of their art – the theater - their intention is to connect, almost literally, the public – society, and their art – choreography and performance.
The line is neither a performance, nor an installation, in its essence it is a thought put into action, driving MAMAZA and the local team who collaborates with them on the project, to cross the city through its public spaces – squares, streets, parks – and its private ones – domestic houses, shops, restaurants – in order to accomplish the drawing of the line. One can imagine the constant communication and negotiations with the local inhabitants (shop owners, landlords and so forth) in order to enter their spaces, put the red line on the floor, document it (through still images and video) and then take it off.
The line doesn’t remain there. It is ephemeral in character, it keeps on disappearing. Nevertheless, its presence is felt through the necessity of having to draw it throughout the city and the memory and thoughts it leaves in people’s mind.
Asingeline is about following a direction, heading towards a common aim and collaboratively joining forces to accomplish it. Its straightness is complex, although its apparent result should be a totally straight direct line, it forces the creative team to go through walls, fences, obstacles, discussions and interactions of all different kinds.