If only I knew
Commissioned by noRrdans
By creating a parallel between the written language and the readability of movement in « If Only I knew » we will attempt to storm libraries in the most silent possible mode.
How could a body stand and move next to a reader?
How could this body dance without disturbing the surrounding environment?
How could it express itself without words?
How could a story-telling dance exist next to the written language of every book?
The contradiction will be perceived both in choreographic and in experiential terms. Seeing movements in space without hearing any noise will inevitably raise the question of meaning.
Subtracting a major element such as sound to the natural function of dancing questions the idea of continuity in dramaturgy. In our case, by having to adapt to every given situation and new environment instantaneously we will be confronted with the notion of instant dramaturgy and instant story-telling.
The performative approach of such a project is the one of very sensitive listening to the environment we will play in as well as the resonance of people’s presence in space.