Quand je passe

BY freguin & vallon


Based on interviews conducted in Pâquis, the sex workers' territory, “Quand je passe” examines the issues at stake in the population's projections of the identity embodied by these women, the fantasies conveyed, their (in)visibility but also the fears.

“Quand je passe” is an immersive, polyphonic performative installation, constructed from audio and visual testimonials. Alongside Johana Hoyos and Piti Pietru, the choreographer Nina Vallon, video artist Mireille Huguet and researcher Mélanie Fréguin invite the public to change their gaze, to question themselves, to shift the focus and to question the immaterial border that keeps the other at a distance.

“Quand je passe” is presented alongside a photographic exhibition by Rebecca Bowring in collaboration with Piti Pietru and Johana Hoyos, and a round-table discussion on “The (in)visible role of sex workers”.


Creation 2024

Concept Mélanie Fréguin & Nina Vallon
Choreography Nina Vallon
Performance Johana Hoyos & Piti Pietru
Sound installation Mélanie Fréguin, Mireille Huguet & Nina Vallon
Photographer Rebecca Bowring
Video designer Mireille Huguet
Technical director Marc Vallon
Sex work counsellor Piti Pietru
Production management Mélanie Fréguin

Production Association ++1 & Overseas Culture Interchange
Supported by City of Geneva, State of Geneva, Lottery romande, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Swiss Foundation of Performing Artists (SIS), Studio ADC

4 shows, 1 theater, 1 city, 1 country

4-10 November 2024, Théâtre du Galpon (Premiere), Geneva, Switzerland