"Make sure you have exhausted all that is communicated through stillness and silence"


Ioannis Mandafounis & Brice Catherin have been each other's spectator for many years. They are also friends. When artists are friends they often have the idea of working together. Ioannis the dancer says: "I never use music in my pieces because I love music and when I hear it I just want to sit and listen to it." Brice the musician says: "I never really know what to do with dancers because when I see them I just want to sit and watch them dance."

Naturally the solution appears: dancing in silence, then playing music motionless then dancing again in silence, then playing music motionless once again, and so on. Taking time to meet each other, to listen to each other, to look at each other, to dive into the other's practice, so that their influence emerges through our own practice.

The established dialogue between Ioannis & Brice consists of long sequences of 20, 30 or 40 minutes without interruption, continuously relayed between the two in order to go further with each new sequence. The two stage dialecticians thus appear as comrades, not opponents.

Then at the corner of some episode from Jean-Luc Godard's Histoire(s) du Cinéma, the latter quotes Robert Bresson’s following phrase, which resonates like a mantra: "Make sure you have exhausted all that is communicated through stillness and silence."


Creation 2018

Concept and interpretation Ioannis Mandafounis, Brice Catherin
Production management Mélanie Fréguin

Production Cie Ioannis Mandafounis

Supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, City of Geneva, State and Republic of Geneva



"Make sure you have exhausted all that is communicated through stillness and silence" ON TOUR
15 shows, 12 theaters, 9 cities, 5 countries

10 February 2018, Horohronos Art Space (Premiere), Athens, Greece
19 May 2018, ARC for dance festival, ARC for Dance festival, Athens, Greece
1 December 2018, No_Body Dance Festival, Lefkosia, Cyprus
5 January 2019, Hull’s University, Hull, UK
7 January 2019, Huddersfield’s University, Huddersfield, UK
21 June 2019, Fête de la Musique, Geneva, Switzerland
9-11 August 2019, Copenhagen Summer Dance 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
17-18 August 2019, Copenhagen Summer Dance 2019, Aarhus, Denmark
31 August 2019, Performance Reihe Neu-Oerlikon, Zürich, Switzerland
11 August 2021, Un été à Puplinge, Puplinge, Switzerland
25 August 2021, Bains des Pâquis, Geneva, Switzerland
12 June 2022, Flux Laboratory, Geneva, Switzerland