by chétouane, mandafounis, marklund & mosca
Co-existence is often considered to be the organized juxtaposition of areas separated from one other by frontiers, borders, real or virtual limits which provide a space for existence outside ‘mine’. We talk about tolerance, respect for the differentiated ‘other’. But this vision of the division of the world no longer seems to correspond to the geopolitical realities. Globalisation unifies all space as a whole in which everything starts to flow without restriction: goods, cultures, people. Frontiers have become obsolete and the current tendency to want to (re-)assert them – as the news shows – is ‘schizophrenic’. It is contrary to the fluidifying of the world caused by globalisation itself.
The solo is a form of dance that gives the dancer a space that is completely his or her own, in which they can let their desire flow to create their own structure, temporality, pace, their own musicality.
In a group piece the choreographer often takes the role of the one who organizes, delineates, marks out the various territories in which the dancers organize themselves, each leaving a space – temporal or topographic – to another, that was assigned to him or her as part of an organized ensemble.
But what happens if several dancers simultaneously think of their own performance as a solo and not as part of a group piece? That is to say consider their presence as stemming from the entire space, not just a part?
How would they then manage the encounter, the intersection, the overlap, the interpenetration of points of view, the directions and forms chosen by each dancer at any given moment? How would they manage to create together a superposition of individual ideas, a co-existence of desires, always open to chance encounter, unforeseen by the other who is also composing their own space?
Laurent Chétouane, Ioannis Mandafounis, Mikael Marklund and Roberta Mosca have explored these chaotic constellations together. Each alone with Laurent Chétouane at first, then all together: looking for a presence that allows creation, writing together in the emerging moment, throwing themselves into it, with a right to exist in all the space available to everyone, all the time. Territories. Changing, revealed by the fluctuating lighting of Jan Maertens which plunges the gaze and the bodies of the dancers into musical depths.
Creation 2015
Idea Laurent Chétouane
Choreography & dance Laurent Chétouane, Ioannis Mandafounis, Mikael Marklund, Roberta Mosca
Lights Jan Maertens
Production Soli GbR
Coproduction DeSingel Antwerpen, Tanzquartier Wien, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, Théâtre de la Bastille Paris, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf
Sponsored by Basisförderung Berlin/The governing mayor Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs and Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V./3-jährige Konzeptionsförderung aus Mitteln des Bundes
Supported by Dock11/Eden*****Berlin